Morning Manna – March 25, 2022

You Can Bear It

Optimism is a perfectly legitimate response to failure – Stephen King

I recently read that Stephen King, the American author of horror and suspense novels, endured many rejections before he got a yes. It was said that he would nail his rejection letters to his wall, and once the nail began to collapse from the weight of them all, he then put a spike in the wall.

This really touched me because I sometimes do the opposite when I feel “rejected”. I somehow take it personally and unconsciously allow the rejection to take hold of me, to define me such that it has more value—more power—than it should. And take it from me, if you keep down that road, you’ll slowly but surely become entangled in the web of lies the enemy constantly whispers in your ear to get you to blame and turn away from God. Remember, Satan has peeped your future and wants nothing else but to keep you from reaching your full potential in Christ.

So, let’s change those paradigms.

While failures are a part of life, they are not the sum total of who we are. They say nothing about our faith, our character, integrity, or our future. They are simply pebbles (rocks and stones) along the way that teach us resilience. Instead of lamenting and retreating, let the so-called “rejections and no’s” propel you forward with hope.

The Bible admonishes us, “Do not, therefore, fling away your [fearless] confidence, for it has a glorious and great reward. For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised.”  Hebrews‬ ‭10:35-36‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Stay hopeful because God won’t put more on you than you can bear. And You Can bear it, my friends.

Love You All to Life!

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