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Believing in God’s Word and Spirit

Faith Fellowship Church was established and organized in July 1997 by the inspiration of God and under the spiritual leadership of Pastor Keith Thompson.  We are a Christ-centered, spirit-led, and bible-based ministry with a primary focus of bringing individuals and families into greater levels of spiritual and emotional wholeness.  This is accomplished by providing relevant and impactful bible-based ministry designed to expose individuals to the wonderful love and life-changing power of God.


Faith Fellowship is a home where you can experience the power of God’s presence as well as enjoy the spiritual connection and comradery fellowshipping with like-minded believers. Pastor Thompson has served in various aspects of ministry for over 30 years and holds a degree in Pastoral Counseling.  He and Lady Sharon Thompson have worked side-by-side with a heart’s desire to see everyone realize their God-given purpose and destiny and use their gifts to further the Kingdom.


We welcome you to enjoy the Lord with us as we worship Him in spirit and in truth!

You’ve been created with gifts and passions to use

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