His Strength, My Foundation (God’s Unconditional Love) When everything you think you know about God is challenged beyond what you feel you can bear. Ironically, this is just the point where God wants us to be, to show us that His strength [must] become our foundation. And that in our weakness, His strength is what we...
Author: admin2
Just Wanted to Share – January 29, 2025
This is a time when spiritual information will come to direct us both personally and corporately. It is a set time in which God positions us to be equipped for the season that we are now entering into (Burns). Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Stay...
Morning Manna – January 24, 2025
Stay Connected Don’t be fooled by the enemy’s ploys to keep you isolated. I know…you say you’re an introvert and prefer and enjoy doing things alone. And while we all have our social preferences, take care not to allow your personal comforts and preferences to keep you from being vulnerable with others. Remember, the enemy...
Morning Manna – January 17, 2025
Think On These Things The enemy is shrewd and good at attacking our minds—the faculty of our understanding, feelings and desires. Thus, we must be careful not to allow negative thoughts to take root. ANTS (Annoying Negative Thoughts) as one person has referred to them. We must not allow these ANTS to “set up camp” in...
Morning Manna – January 3, 2025
God My Refuge God’s plans for [us] do not change because of the actions of men. God’s plans are unwavering, and not contingent on what is going on around us. [Remember that] in times of uncertainty, God IS certain. And while our plans may fall through and change, the plan that the Lord has in store for...
Just Wanted to Share – January 22, 2025
I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Ps 121:1-3, NLT Stay encouraged and encouraging!
Morning Manna – January 17, 2025
Think On These Things The enemy is shrewd and good at attacking our minds—the faculty of our understanding, feelings and desires. Thus, we must be careful not to allow negative thoughts to take root. ANTS (Annoying Negative Thoughts) as one person has referred to them. We must not allow these ANTS to “set up camp” in...
Just Wanted to Share – January 15, 2025
The world around you feels ominous at times, but know that I am your Protector and Guide. I will not let you down. Lean on Me for comfort and assurance that you are in My care, says the Lord. You are precious to Me (Burns). 2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and...