Morning Manna – February 25, 2022

Humility While We Wait

(inspired by devotions of Chris Tiegreen)

I know I can be very impatient at times, especially when it comes to something I want—and let me be honest, believe I deserve—from God. I don’t always understand that His deep love for me causes Him to close doors I think should be opened and open doors I don’t find acceptable or believe I should have to go through. Oh my…there’s that pride rearing its ugly head again!! 🤔

We’ve all heard that God won’t give us anything that will hurt us or cause us to further distance ourselves from Him—His gifts are always good and perfect. So sometimes the wait enables us time to purge (eliminate the heart’s desires that don’t align with His purpose) and to show humility. Purging cleanses and makes way for humility which is the key that opens God’s heart.

The Bible admonishes us, “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [set aside self-righteous pride], so that He may exalt you [to a place of honor in His service] at the appropriate time.  1 Peter‬ ‭5:6 AMP‬‬

Is there something you’re waiting for from God? Are you wondering why He’s not been responsive? I submit to you that He’s waiting for you before He makes His next compassionate move on your behalf. So the next time you begin to wonder where God is in your situation, instead ask yourself “Where Am I?”

Lord, help us to daily—and hourly as needed—repent of our prideful ways; to humbly submit ourselves to you in ALL things; to be patient and allow your purging process to take its full course that we may experience and abound in your love and compassion.

Love You All to Life!

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