Morning Manna – February 5, 2021

The Joy of the Lord

The Bible says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength”.  If so, why is it that we walk around with our heads hung down, absorbed and overcome by our circumstances as though they have the last word?  We must refuse to be a slave to our emotions and circumstances—tossed to and fro depending on what happens to be going on (or should I say going wrong) in our lives—and instead rise up, persevere and see God in the midst of our trials, as did the Hebrew men.

Yes we may go through the fire, and we may go through the floods (none of us are exempt) but the Bible declares we will not be consumed. God is with us always and we know that if God is for us, He is more than the whole world against us. So let’s conduct ourselves knowing we have the victory.

As Tiegreen says, “insist on your joy, your peace, your simplicity being unflappable and unflagging.”  In this my friends, God is well-pleased.

Love You All to Life!!

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